Funny Stag Night Stories – Part 1

The Blair Witch Stag Weekend

Our first story comes from a group of stag’s from Nottingham, we have to give them a top rating for their original stag party idea, which was a Blair Witch themed weekend in the woods. Here’s John the best man and chief organiser to tell you the details.

“At the time it all seemed like a good idea. We’d all been on camping trips together in the past and had a great time drinking until the early hours. The Blair Witch Project had only just been released at the cinema and knowing how much of wimp the stag was we thought we could do the two together and have a good laugh at his expense.
We had one of the group pretend he couldn’t make it, but really had him out in the woods setting up all of the pranks that followed. Everything was going great, night eventually came and we were all on our way to getting plastered. Phil was out in the woods doing his thing, breaking sticks etc. The tension was starting to creep in and then we lost the stag! We’d stripped the stag down to his boxers and had him tied up to a tree, leaving him their while we edged up the ‘blair witch noises’, eventually he’d gotten so spooked that he broke the tree and ran off into the woods.
After spending the rest of the night looking for him, we were finally reunited only after we had decided it best to head back to the woods car park and call for some help. Graham the stag was sat in the back of an old couples car drinking a warm cup of bovril wearing a stylish woolly fleece which the old lady had given to him. Apparently the retired couple’s dog had found Graham sleeping rough under a fern bush, whilst they were out taking an early morning walk, the old lady said she had the shock of her life seeing Graham lying there in just his boxers.
Looking back on it all now, Graham didn’t find it funny at the time, but he can laugh at it all now having the video of it all (we filmed it all ala the film itself), it’s definitely a story we’ll all remember for years to come.”

Let us know your funny stag night stories in the comment section below!

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